Cerise Vablais, MBA, Ph.D., ABPP
Cerise Vablais, Ph.D., ABPP received her MBA from the University of Washington’s Executive program in 2000 and her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Fielding Graduate University in 2007. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the varied presentation of psychopathy in female offenders, received an award from the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. She has extensive experience in forensic assessment which she gained working for the Maryland Department of Public Safety and the Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. Prior to returning to Washington in 2011, she worked as a psychologist and the Director of Mental Health for the Anne Arundel County Detention Center in Annapolis, Maryland. From 2011 to 2015, she worked on the executive leadership team at Fairfax Hospital, an acute crisis stabilization inpatient facility. She has provided expert witness testimony Maryland, Washington, and Ohio for matters including competency to stand trial, determining criminal responsibility, and involuntary civil commitment.
Dr. Vablais holds membership in the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) – Psychological Services Section and is currently the General Chair and Member at Large of the Executive Board. She is Board Certified in Police and Public Safety Psychology. She is also a member of the North Sound Metro SWAT CNT Team, where she has been a full member of the
team since 2017 providing mental health consultation and support. She has also been asked to speak at several state and national conferences, including the Alaska Fire Chiefs’ Conference in 2020 and 2022.
She is currently licensed in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, California, North Dakota, Washington, D.C., Louisiana, and holds the PSYPACT credential.